We all have things that annoy us, we wouldn't be human if we didn't. I guess as I get older that those things have become clearer to me, and I have continued to add new ones.
The list is not complete, I don't think about most of these things until I am in a situation where I am faced by one of them, so if it hasn't happened recently it will likely not be in the list. Maybe I need to do a part 2 later? Anyway here goes:
The list is not complete, I don't think about most of these things until I am in a situation where I am faced by one of them, so if it hasn't happened recently it will likely not be in the list. Maybe I need to do a part 2 later? Anyway here goes:
- People who take up two seats on a train by sitting in aisle seat and then put their things on the window seat
- The word 'celebrity'
- The phrase 'ordinary people'
- When people say they have been doing something for 'more than x years' when they could just say how long. Is more than ten years 11, or 20, or 50?
- Rugby League
- posh English accents
- music that uses drum machines
- rap
- Arsenal FC
- Tories
- adverts on TV
- the British establishment
- people who think they are important
- most music you can dance to
- sports teams that try to buy success instead of grooming their own local youngsters
- the monarchy
- private schools
- people who are well off but will not pay more tax to help those less fortunate
- people who slam doors in hotels (and also doors generally)
- people in cars who seem to think that I want to listen to their music (they have it blaring out with their windows open)
- people at supermarket checkouts who wait until the last moment to try to find their coupons, credit card, bags etc